Friday, September 25, 2015

Blogs and Blog Readers

Throughout my MLS courses I've learned that there is so much we can access through the internet other than searches. The internet has become a part of our daily lives and has changed our world tremendously. My social platforms include: Facebook, Pinterest, Wordpress, and this semester I've had the opportunity to explore and use Blogster, Twitter and Tumblr. I had heard about these platforms, but had not browsed through them until this course. I am a little familiar with Twitter since my 18 year old son uses it daily. There are so many platforms to explore and I've been trying to keep up with everything that is out there. It has been a bit overwhelming, but every platform's aesthetic is different and every user has their own preference. 

That being said, the next platform I explored was Blog Readers. A Blog Reader allows users to organize all of their favorite blogs into one application therefore, saving the reader time from navigating through individual blogs. There are a variety of different types of blog readers such as: Bloglovin', Feedly, Bloglines, Newsblur, Digg Reader, and Newsvibe.

After exploring each one, I chose Bloglovin':, to organize all my favorite blogs. For someone that’s new to Blog Readers, I found it very user friendly and creating an account was quick, easy, and free. In addition, adding and locating blogs was just as simple. There is a “Find Blogs” tab, or a “search” tab located at the top. Next, type the blog name then click “follow” and press “done” when you are ready. They also have a recommended blogs tab based on your list. You can add up to 5,000 blogs!

Here are a few of the blog sites I added to my Bloglovin’ account:

Free Technology for Teachers is run by Richard Byrne, a U.S. History, Civics, and Global Studies high school teacher in South Paris, ME. Richard shares free web-based resources that educators can use to enhance their students' learning experiences. Byrnes states, "I believe that when used correctly, technology has the power to improve students' engagement and achievment." He's a Google Certified teacher, a five time winner of Edublog's Award for Best Resource Sharing Blog, and received a Merlot Classics award. I added this site to my blog reader because it offers readers valuable information on the latest trends in technology and how to implement them in the classroom. I was especially drawn to his blogs on "Google Tutorials," since our district began using Google Chromebooks in the classroom last year. I know I will definitely be referring to his tutorials. Byrne's blog is an EXCELLENT source of information for librarians and teachers. Best of all it is free advice!

Great Kid Books

Great Kid Books blog is operated by Mary Ann Scheuer, a school librarian at Emerson Elementary in Berkeley, CA.  This is a great site to help parents and educators learn about books for kids ages 4 – 14. This site caught my attention simply by its title. Scheuer’s blog highlights many different genres via book reviews, including sneak peeks of some books, and book trailers. Each search is organized by grade level, genre, awards, gender, and professional resources. I know after viewing The Marvels book trailer, by Brian Selznick, I was hooked. She also offered a giveaway for the book, and of course I entered! In addition, she writes to authors about giving parents advice and includes the author’s response letter. She is also a member of AASL's Best Apps committee, a reviewer for Kirkus Reviews, and Author Events Co-Chair for 2013 & 2015 AASL National Conference. This is a great blog full of resources that can be used by parents and educators as well.

The Mighty Little Librarian

The Mighty Librarian is run by Tiffany Whitehead. She is the school librarian at Central Middle in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She has served as the President for ISTE’s Librarians Network, has been recognized as one of ISTE’s 2014 Emerging Leaders, and was named one of the 2014 Library Journal Movers & Shakers. As I browsed the recommended blogs, Tiffany’s blog on “Library Procedures” caught my eye. I really liked that she used 8th graders to create a video to explain her library procedures to the rest of the students.  In addition, she blogs about such topics as: genre shelving and signage, genrefication, professional development, makerspaces, digital citizenship, decorations and displays, library lessons and links, and resources, to name a few. This blog is a great resource for librarians and educators to have as a reference.

No Shelf Required

The "No Shelf Required" blog discusses news and issues surrounding eBooks for librarians and publishers from different perspectives, and also gives readers an opportunity to discuss eBook issues via moderator, Sue Polanka, from Wright State University Libraries, and founder of "No Shelf Required." I chose this blog because I want to familiarize myself more with what is out there regarding eBooks such as: finding, selecting, licensing, policies, business models, ebook readers, and marketing. This blog is an excellent source for librarians to keep abreast of the latest on eBooks. 

The Daring Librarian

The Daring Librarian blog is run by Gwenyth A. Jones, a librarian at Murray Middle School in Columbia, Maryland. She is a Google Certified teacher, a Library Journal Mover & Shaker, and has won numerous awards including Best of the Best and a Visionary Leader by Teacher Librarian Magazine. Her works have been featured in the New York Times, The Washington Post, and the Huffington Post. I selected her blog because I heard a lot of fabulous things about her through other librarians and social media. She uses technology and digital media to inspire her students to use their talents, skills and imagination. I feel that this blog is a great resource for all librarians and educators because her postings offer so much information on technology. Some examples include, her electronic portfolio and tech Wiki.


Tumblr was founded in 2007 by David Karp. It is a form of social networking called microblogging, that allows you to post texts, photos, links, music, and videos from your browser, phone, desktop, email and  wherever you have internet access. It can also be customized. I have seen Tumblr posts on my Facebook, but had never used it until this assignment. I found it to be very user friendly and easy to navigate through. As I browsed through some of Tumblr's school library pages, I noted some things they posted in common: book reviews, quotes, personal likes, important articles relevent to their liking, summer reading lists, playlists, videos, showcase authors, promotion of events and reminders, and posting of online resources (for students, educators, and the community). As a future librarian, I feel that is important to be familiar with all of the social media platforms out there. Tumblr is another valuable resource that will help libraries stay connected, network, and promote everything they have to offer.

I was able to create a Tumblr account! Here's the link:

Happy Bloggin,’

Sandra C. Rios

Friday, September 18, 2015

Teens, Social Media, and Privacy Pew Report

Madden, M. (2013). Teens, social media, and privacy. Retrieved from PEW Research Center website:

Madden’s 2013 report, “Teens, Social Media, and Privacy,” notes the fact that today’s youth are using more mobile devices and are sharing more personal information on their profiles than in the past. This is due to digital media becoming more integrated into a teenager's daily life. Teens use social media to stay connected with their friends, meet new friends, share photos, play games, blog, and do homework. Hanging out on social networking websites has become a major way for teens to build social relationships. Through social media, teens are developing a sense of who they are and where they fit in, and many are not concerned with privacy issues.

These findings are based from a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish, surveying 802 parents and their 802 teens.

Below are my Infographics reporting my findings:

Page count: 100 pages

Friday, September 4, 2015

Twitter Leaders

Twitter is a popular online social networking site that allows users to send and read short messages called "tweets".  These “tweets,” which can include messages, photos, and videos, can be shared instantly all over the world. You have the ability to “Follow” thousands of friends, celebrities, news sources, professionals, or anyone who “tweets” you.
I know many people who “tweet,” including my sons, but I had not joined the “tweet” world until now.  Wow, what an eye-opener. I didn’t realize I could “Follow” just about anyone, including celebrities. In addition, the “tweets” I’ve been reading from some of the best educational professionals have given me more information on the latest trends and new technologies available to educators.
I viewed so many links that I know will not only enhance my lessons, but open a whole new world for my students.

Below are just a snippet of some of the links that caught my attention:

Linda Braun @lbraun2000 
Linda W Braun ‏@lbraun2000  Sep 2
Some useful updates MT @TheNextWeb: GGL revamps Docs w voice typing, search functionality & data analysis …

Linda’s link caught my attention since we started implementing these last spring in our district for the upper elementary, middle schools, and high schools. During those few months, I was able to use Google Classroom to create assignments using google docs and students also learned how to use Google Slides (these are 5th graders). In addition, they learned how to e-mail me as well. I agree, they are great to use with students. I can see where the voice recognition tool will benefit those struggling writers. Can’t wait to try the research tool as well. Looking forward to implement what Google has to offer this new school year!

Tony Vincent @tonyvincent 
Tony Vincent ‏@tonyvincent  Aug 18
Here’s my video about finding free images for your digital projects: 

Tony shares his You tube video about three websites: Pixaby, Open Clipa-Art, and The Noun Project,  that are great for finding clipart, photos, symbols, and icons. These sites contain images that give you permission to use on your website, blog, poster, slideshow, video, or animations. He includes tips on how to download and find these images. These websites are something I’d like to show my students and peers.

*Tony also shares a video on the benefits of using Chromebooks.
Short video with some reasons why Chromebooks are great for students:” … #byotchat #edtechchat

Buffy Hamilton @buffyjhamilton 
Buffy J. Hamilton retweeted
 Quickparts Solutions ‏@Quickparts  Aug 19
See How Surgeons are Practicing with #3DPrinting  
Buffy retweeted a post from Quickparts Solutions. I was interested in this article since we purchased a 3D printer for our 15 year son this summer, who by the way aspires to be an engineer. So far what he’s printed, has really amazed us. After sharing this video with my son, he said he had read about this and prosthetic printing as well. Although he’s still learning, he knows much more than I do on the topic. Someday I would love to purchase one for my future library not only to show students how to use one, but to expose them to newest and latest technological advances. This IS our world today.

The Daring Librarian @GwynethJones
I absolutely loved her orientation video. I can see how she “hooks” her students into the library. She has so much to offer. As a future librarian, I’d like to create an amazing orientation video as well.
The Daring Librarian@GwynethJones
First day of Library Media Orientation w/my 6th grade kiddos.AWESOME! Now, Exhausted!

*Another update on Google, awesome! Looking forward to try this!
The Daring Librarian ‏@GwynethJones  9h9 hours ago

Jim Lerman @jimlerman 
Mr. Lerman scoops numerous articles on the latest in technology.  “Into the Driver's Seat
Building the independence of learners through thoughtful uses of technology.” Great source! 
Curated by Jim Lerman

Kathy Schrock @kathyschrock
Kathy Schrock ‏@kathyschrock  Aug 4
New DEN Kathy's Katch article for August: HOTS for Blooms, part 2.… @DiscoveryEd

Kathy shares the above link by Susan Brooks-Young, in an article in THE Journal, takes a look at some ideas using technology to encourage higher-order thinking skills.

I am hooked! Looking forward to learning more of what these professionals have to offer!